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Texas Ramps Project

My contributions to the success of the event 

  • Helped build a ramp to allow a person with a disability to get in and out of their home

  • Coordinated with Texas Ramps Project to create a service event for my organization


Purpose of the Event

To build a ramp for a person with disabilities/ in a wheelchair in order to make mobility in and out of the

house easier and more convenient


Reflection and Takeaway

When setting up the event with Jerry Gritter, a representative from the BCS Ramp Project, communication via email was very prompt and efficient. On the day of the event, all materials were ready for us to begin working. The opportunity for everyone to build a ramp using various mechanic tools was a very interesting experience. The overall event was a very eye opening experience as well because we got to partake in an opportunity to make a difference in someone's life. Through this experience, I learned that event planning isn't only done for the sake of recreation, but it can also be done for the public health and benefit of the community. One thing I noticed that Texas Ramps did not do was require us to sign a risk waiver form in the case of any accidents. It's important to have those forms filled out by all participants to avoid any liability issues. In future events I plan or help to coordinate, I will make sure that risk waivers are signed if there are any physical activities or potential risk of injuries involved.

© 2020 by LINDA CO.

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